Abaro "ASLAN"

Aslan der Löwe lernt jetzt dänisch...
am 12.05.2018 um 00:25 Uhr
bei der Geburt 615 g / bei der Wurfabnahme 8.270 g
Der Schatten des Chefs des "Trio Infernale"
Jytte & John über Aslan
On August the 10th 2018 we brought Aslan to his new home in Hørning, Denmark. Hørning is a town near Aarhus in Jutland. He now lives together with a family of four – Jytte, John and our two children, Johanne (17) and Joakim (20), who lives in his own flat nearby.
We have discussed the name Abaro and other names a lot, and finally we decided that Abaro in our family has to be called Aslan like the lion in the movie ”Narnia”.
It has been easy to integrate Aslan into our family. When he meets people and dogs he hasn´t seen before, he stands behind us until we tell him that they are okay. He can ignore other dogs, a class from the kindergarden or other people if we tell him to sit and hold focus on us.
Aslan loves to be outside and he spends a long time in the garden – especially near the fence, where a lot of people and dogs pass by. He also loves to walk in the town, but his favorite place is in the wood and at the seaside.
He is a very calm dog and stays close to all members of the family – even Joakim. He loves to learn new things and is very concentrated when he has to learn. He really works hard when he and John are training at the dog training. He loves to play with other dogs and us.
We love him very much and will never regret that we get him into our family.

CAC Fredericia (DK)
Jana Svobodava
Langsted (DK)
Mental Test
Michael Lambertsen