Anjali lebt in Holland in einem großen Rudel und ist auf Nasenarbeit spezialisiert...
am 11.05.2018 um 10:00 Uhr
bei der Geburt 600 g / bei der Wurfabnahme 7.250 g
Sie ist die Erstgeborene und Dritte im Bunde des "Trio Infernale".
Marijcke & Erik über Anjali
Anjali lives in the Netherlands. Together with her friends Harrie (Belgian shephard 10 years old) and Caitlin (Hovawart 2 years old) she makes (long) walks through the beautifull woods and plays in the garden. She follows lessons in obedience and is doing mantrailing.
Anjali is a fantastic dog with a nice character. With her own input, but also with her adaptability she fits perfectly in the family. She is a cheerful and enterprising dog. She discovers the world by investigating and observing quietly. When something looks scary, she seeks support and looks at it for a while. After that she goes off to investigate it further. Everything without fear.
She is studious and wants to work for you. She has a special talent for the “nosework”. With a lot of drive she follows her nose and understands very quickly what is asked from her.
We are very happy to have her among us and expect to have much pleasure with each other for many years to follow.

Eck en Wiel (NL)
Margot de Zeeuw
1. Platz